resolve the most common issues
Microsoft Dynamics 365 and AX

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Unified Interface: How to resolve the most common issues?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Unified Interface: How to resolve the most common issues? 

Are you facing issues with Dynamics 365 unified interface? Don’t panic. If you’re looking to fix the problems with Dynamics 365 Unified Interface, you’re reading the right article. This blog outlines some of the issues you might be experiencing with dynamics 365 UI and how you can resolve them. You can do it all on your own or seek the help of Microsoft Dynamics 365 support consultants. They will provide the best Microsoft Dynamics 365 support services.

Error: The UI apps show out of the box or custom entities as Read-only

Sometimes, the sales hub might be showing the custom entities as read-only. This problem might occur when the entity is set to be read-only in a unified client. You can edit the entities in the legacy web client.

How to resolve the issue? 

Follow the steps mentioned below to resolve the issue:

  • Open the navigation bar. Click on settings>Advanced settings.
  •  It will open the  Business Management page.
  • On the navigation bar, go to settings>customizations.  
  • Choose Customize the system on the customization page.
  • Explore the solution explorer and select components. Expand entities and choose the entity that is showing as read-only.
  • Go to the general tab>Outlook & Mobile. Uncheck the read-only in the unified client check box.
  • Save the changes you’ve made & publish the customizations.
  •  Now, go to the sales hub app and refresh.

Error: On-Demand workflows not being triggered in Dynamics 365 Unified Interface

 Some of our clients have been encountering workflow issues after upgrading to Dynamics 365 Unified Interface. One of the issues was the inability to run on-demand workflows from individual records. This issue was posing significant problems to the clients who used the feature regularly to run their workflows.

So, are you too facing this issue? Worry not. Here’s a quick resolution. The feature must be allowed for the organization in the Power Platform Admin Center while moving to Unified Interface. If the feature isn’t enabled, the workflows need to be run through advanced find and this would increase your overheads.

Follow the steps outlined below to enable the feature to run workflows on demand.

  •  Open the power platform admin center by clicking the following link
  • Click on the environment and check the box for which you want to allow the click settings.
  • Then, expand the product section and choose behavior. The display behavior appears.
  • Under the display behavior, you’ll see the “show power automate on forms and in site map.” Toggle the key to “ON” for this particular segment and click on save.
  •  After you’re done with making these changes, the option for “Flow” appears.
  • When you choose “Flow”, you’ll have the option to create a new flow, see the existing workflows and run on-demand workflows.

Reach out to us for expert Guidance

If you’re still facing the issue even after following the above-mentioned steps, feel free to contact the experts at Dream Dynamics. We are your full-service partner for your Microsoft Dynamics 365 support services, including integration and customization services. Our Dynamics 365 consultants have the right expertise and knowledge to troubleshoot Microsoft Dynamics 365.

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